Source code for teatime.plugins.ipfs.keys

"""This module contains plugins regarding listing and extracting keys."""

from teatime import Context, Issue, NodeType, PluginException, Severity
from teatime.plugins.base import IPFSRPCPlugin

[docs]class KeyLeaks(IPFSRPCPlugin): """List and attempt to export the node's keys. Severity: CRITICAL Endpoint: The version endpoint reveals the Go version IPFS has been compiled with, along with repository and system information, which may contain sensitive data. """ INTRUSIVE = False def __init__(self, export: bool = False): self.export = export def _check(self, context: Context): if context.node_type != NodeType.IPFS: return key_list = self.get_rpc_json(, route="/api/v0/key/list") Issue( title="Key List Information Leak", description=( "Anyone is able to list the keys registered on the node. The name of " "a key can leak information as well and is required for other actions " "such as exporting the key contents." ), severity=Severity.MEDIUM, raw_data=key_list, ) ) if not self.export: return for key in key_list.get("Keys", []): try: payload = self.get_rpc_json(, route="/api/v0/key/export", params={"arg": key["Name"]}, raw=True, ) except PluginException: continue Issue( title="Unauthorized Key Export", description=( "Anyone can export keys from the node. All secrets should be invalidated, " "rotated, and reapplied. The endpoint must be protected against future " "unauthorized use." ), severity=Severity.CRITICAL, raw_data=payload, ) )