Source code for teatime.plugins.ipfs.commands

"""This module contains plugins regarding commands surfaced by the node."""

from typing import Optional, Sequence

from teatime import Context, Issue, NodeType, PluginException, Severity
from teatime.plugins import IPFSRPCPlugin


def _get_by_path(data: dict, path: Sequence[str]):
    if not path:
        return data
    if not data:
        return None

    for item in data.get("Subcommands"):
        if item.get("Name", "") == path[0]:
            return _get_by_path(data=item, path=path[1:])

    return None

[docs]class CommandCheck(IPFSRPCPlugin): """Detect whether disallowed commands are enabled. Severity: High Endpoint: The IPFS API offers a lot of endpoints, some of which might be accidentally enabled. This plugin attempts to fetch the list of enabled API commands and will log an issue of user-specified commands are enabled, or not enabled. """ INTRUSIVE = False def __init__( self, allowlist: Optional[Sequence[Sequence[str]]] = None, denylist: Optional[Sequence[Sequence[str]]] = None, ): if allowlist is None and denylist is None: # deny the presence of all endpoints by default self.allowlist = [] self.denylist = ALL_COMMANDS else: self.allowlist = allowlist or [] self.denylist = denylist or [] if set(self.allowlist).intersection(set(self.denylist)): raise PluginException("Must not have overlap between allow- and denylist") def _check(self, context: Context): if context.node_type != NodeType.IPFS: return payload = self.get_rpc_json(, route="/api/v0/commands", ) for command in ALL_COMMANDS: item = _get_by_path(payload, command) if item is not None and ( command in self.denylist or command not in self.allowlist ): Issue( title="Forbidden Method is Exposed", description=( "A forbidden API method is open to the Internet. Attackers " "may be able to use the exposed functionality to cause undesired " "effects to the system." ), severity=Severity.HIGH, raw_data=item, ) )