Source code for teatime.plugins.eth1.version

"""This module contains a plugin to check for stale node versions."""

import json
import re

import requests

from teatime.plugins import Context, JSONRPCPlugin, NodeType, PluginException
from teatime.reporting import Issue, Severity

SEMVER_REGEX = r"\d+.\d+.\d+"

[docs]class NodeVersion(JSONRPCPlugin): """Check whether a given node's version is stale. Severity: None/High This plugin will fetch the client's version string, and attempt to extract the node's semantic version number. For Geth and Parity/OpenEthereum, it will try to fetch the latest repository tag and compare both versions. If there is a mismatch, an issue is logged about the node version being stale. In any case, an informational issue will be logged containing the version string. Parity/OpenEthereum: Geth: I couldn't find the web3 namespace in the official docs :( """ INTRUSIVE = False def __init__( self, geth_url: str = "", parity_url: str = "", ): self.geth_url = geth_url self.parity_url = parity_url def _check(self, context: Context) -> None: client_version = self.get_rpc_json(, "web3_clientVersion") Issue( title=self.__class__.__name__, description="The node surfaces it's version information", raw_data=client_version, severity=Severity.NONE, ) ) try: client_semver = re.findall(SEMVER_REGEX, client_version)[0] except IndexError: raise PluginException( f"Could not extract the client version from string {client_version}" ) if context.node_type == NodeType.GETH: node_semver = self.latest_repo_release(self.geth_url) elif context.node_type == NodeType.PARITY: node_semver = self.latest_repo_release(self.parity_url) else: raise PluginException( f"No repo known for node type {context.node_type}" ) # pragma: no cover if client_semver != node_semver: Issue( title="Node version out of date", description=f"{client_semver} != {node_semver}", raw_data=client_version, severity=Severity.HIGH, ) )
[docs] @staticmethod def latest_repo_release(url: str) -> str: """Fetch the latest release tag for the given repository URL. This method will use the public Github API to fetch the latest release tag for the given repository. :return: The repo's semver as a string """ resp = requests.get(url) try: repo_information = resp.json() except json.JSONDecodeError: raise PluginException(f"Could not decode API response {resp.text}") try: tag = re.findall(SEMVER_REGEX, repo_information["tag_name"])[0] except (KeyError, IndexError): raise PluginException( f"Could not extract repo tag from response {repo_information}" ) return tag