Source code for teatime.plugins.eth1.open_accounts

"""This module contains a plugin checking for account-related issues."""

from loguru import logger

from teatime.plugins import Context, JSONRPCPlugin, PluginException
from teatime.reporting import Issue, Severity

[docs]class OpenAccounts(JSONRPCPlugin): """Check for any accounts registered on the node. Severity: Medium This plugin will use the :code:`eth_accounts` method to find accounts registered on the target node, and fetch the account's latest balance through Infura. """ INTRUSIVE = False def __init__(self, infura_url: str): self.infura_url = infura_url def _check(self, context: Context) -> None: accounts = self.get_rpc_json(, "eth_accounts") for account in accounts: balance = self.get_rpc_int( self.infura_url, method="eth_getBalance", params=[account, "latest"] ) Issue( title="Found account", description=f"Account: {account} Balance: {balance}", raw_data=account, severity=Severity.MEDIUM, ) )
[docs]class AccountUnlock(JSONRPCPlugin): """Check whether any accounts on the node are weakly protected. Severity: Critical This plugin will use the :code:`eth_accounts` method to find accounts registered on the target node, and attempt to unlock the accounts with a given set of passwords. Each account is unlocked for a time of one second, the minimum time possible. Optionally, accounts below a minimum balance can be skipped. """ INTRUSIVE = True def __init__(self, infura_url: str, wordlist=None, skip_below: int = None): self.infura_url = infura_url self.wordlist = wordlist or [] self.skip_below = skip_below def _check(self, context: Context) -> None: accounts = self.get_rpc_json(, "eth_accounts") for account in accounts: balance = self.get_rpc_int( self.infura_url, method="eth_getBalance", params=[account, "latest"] ) if self.skip_below is not None and balance < self.skip_below: logger.debug( f"Skipping {account} because balance {balance} < {self.skip_below}" ) continue logger.debug(f"Trying passwords with {account} with balance {balance}") for password in self.wordlist: logger.debug(f"Trying password {password}") try: payload = self.get_rpc_json(, method="personal_unlockAccount", params=[account, password, 1], # unlock for only 1s ) except PluginException as e: if str(e) == "Method not found": logger.debug( "Aborting wordlist attack because method is not supported" ) # if the method is not supported, there is no point in checking break else: # explicitly catch here to not interrupt wordlist loop continue Issue( title="Weak password detected!", description=( f"The account ({account}) is only protected " f"by a weak password ({password})" ), raw_data=payload, severity=Severity.CRITICAL, ) )