Source code for

"""This module contains a plugin for network-related checks."""

from teatime.plugins import Context, JSONRPCPlugin, NodeType
from teatime.reporting import Issue, Severity

[docs]class NetworkListening(JSONRPCPlugin): """Check whether the node is listening for peers. Severity: High This plugin will use the :code:`net_listening` method to check whether the node is listening to new peers. If that is not the case, an issue will be logged. """ INTRUSIVE = False def _check(self, context: Context) -> None: node_listening = self.get_rpc_json(, "net_listening") # SCAN[HIGH]: Node not listening to peers if not node_listening: Issue( title="Node not listening to peers", description="The node is not listening to new peer requests", raw_data=node_listening, severity=Severity.HIGH, ) )
[docs]class PeerCountStatus(JSONRPCPlugin): """Check whether the node has a certain peer count. Severity: Medium This plugin will use the :code:`net_peerCount` method to check the node's peer count. If the value is lower than the user-specified value of minimum peers, an issue will be logged. """ INTRUSIVE = False def __init__(self, minimum_peercount: int): self.minimum_peercount = minimum_peercount def _check(self, context: Context) -> None: current_peercount = int(self.get_rpc_json(, "net_peerCount"), 16) if self.minimum_peercount > current_peercount: Issue( title="Number of peers too low!", description=( f"Too few peers (current < minimum): " f"{current_peercount} < {self.minimum_peercount}" ), raw_data=current_peercount, severity=Severity.MEDIUM, ) )
[docs]class PeerlistManipulation(JSONRPCPlugin): """Try to add a peer to the node's peer list. Severity: High This plugin will attempt to add a given peer to the node's peer list. """ INTRUSIVE = True def __init__(self, test_enode: str): self.test_enode = test_enode def _check(self, context: Context) -> None: if context.node_type == NodeType.GETH: payload = self.get_rpc_json(, method="admin_addPeer", params=[self.test_enode] ) if payload: Issue( title="Peer list manipulation", description=( "Arbitrary peers can be added using " "the admin_addPeer RPC call." ), raw_data=payload, severity=Severity.HIGH, ) ) elif context.node_type == NodeType.PARITY: payload = self.get_rpc_json(, method="parity_addReservedPeer", params=[self.test_enode], ) if payload: Issue( title="Peer list manipulation", description=( "Reserved peers can be added to the node's " "peer list using the parity_addReservedPeer RPC call" ), raw_data=payload, severity=Severity.HIGH, ) )
[docs]class ParityDropPeers(JSONRPCPlugin): """Try to remove non-reserved peers from the peer list. Severity: Critical This plugin will attempt to drop all non-reserved peer entries from the node's peer table. """ INTRUSIVE = True def _check(self, context: Context) -> None: if context.node_type != NodeType.PARITY: return payload = self.get_rpc_json(, method="parity_dropNonReservedPeers" ) if payload: Issue( title="Peer list manipulation", description=( "Anyone can drop the non-reserved peerlist on the " "node using the parity_dropNonReservedPeers RPC call." ), raw_data=payload, severity=Severity.CRITICAL, ) )