Source code for teatime.plugins.eth1.mining

"""This module contains a plugin for mining-related checks."""

from teatime.plugins import Context, JSONRPCPlugin
from teatime.reporting import Issue, Severity

[docs]class MiningStatus(JSONRPCPlugin): """Check whether the node is mining. Severity: Medium This plugin will use the :code:`eth_mining` method to find out whether a node is mining or not. If there is a difference to the user-specified value, an issue will be logged. """ INTRUSIVE = False def __init__(self, should_mine: bool): self.should_mine = should_mine def _check(self, context: Context) -> None: mining_status = self.get_rpc_json(, "eth_mining") if self.should_mine is not None and mining_status != self.should_mine: Issue( title="Mining Status", description=( "The node should be mining but isn't" if self.should_mine else "The node should not be mining but is" ), raw_data=mining_status, severity=Severity.MEDIUM, ) )
[docs]class HashrateStatus(JSONRPCPlugin): """Check whether the node has a certain hash rate. Severity: Medium This plugin will use the :code:`eth_hashrate` method to fetch the node's hash rate. If the hash rate is different from a user-specified value, an issue will be logged. """ INTRUSIVE = False def __init__(self, expected_hashrate: int): self.expected_hashrate = expected_hashrate def _check(self, context: Context) -> None: current_hashrate = int(self.get_rpc_json(, "eth_hashrate"), 16) if current_hashrate < self.expected_hashrate: Issue( title="Mining Hashrate Low", description=( f"The hashrate should be >= {self.expected_hashrate} " f"but only is {current_hashrate}" ), raw_data=current_hashrate, severity=Severity.MEDIUM, ) )